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Dan started drinking coffee in college and just used caffeine as a means of staying awake and powering through all-nighters. After a random trip to a local coffee shop with some friends, he realized that there was more to coffee than the burnt, bitter, and acidic flavors to which he was already growing accustomed.

He started experimenting with an old drip coffee maker in his dorm room and eventually upgraded to a French press. And when a friend bought him freshly roasted coffee from a local roaster, he finally understood what great coffee could be.

Since then, he has tinkered with just about every brewing method, technique, and piece of equipment money can buy. He co-owned a coffee company in the early 2020s, and has since started helping other people find coffee bliss by sharing his experiences on Coffee Pro At Home.

His current go-to brewing method is French press, and he has a high-quality drip brewer, an espresso machine, and pour over equipment to keep things interesting.

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A portrait of Dan
A placeholder image for Sean.


Sean started making coffee at home more than 10 years ago, hoping to save some money by breaking his daily habit of taking a trip to his local coffee shop. He quickly discovered that the world of coffee was vast and there was more to learn about making great coffee than he ever imagined.

He started with a cheap grinder from Kohl's, a French press, and Dunkin' Donuts' whole-bean coffee, which was more than enough to get him hooked. Fast forward a few months and that budget grinder turned into a Lido 3 hand grinder, which he used to grind specialty coffee from local roasters.

His current setup still relies on his trusty Lido grinder, but these days he favors pour over methods like Chemex and the Hario V60. He's also fond of the Clever Dripper and Aeropress, and he occasionally breaks out the French press for old times' sake.

He brings his passion for experimentation and unending curiosity about all things coffee to Coffee Pro at Home. He hopes that sharing the knowledge he's accumulated over the last decade will help new coffee drinkers learn how to make better coffee at home.

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