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Interesting Coffee Consumption Statistics & Facts in 2024


By: Dan

Updated on: 2/22/2024

Interesting Coffee Consumption Statistics & Facts in 2024

Coffee is the world’s third most popular beverage, behind water and tea, and around 2.4 MILLION Americans drink coffee every single day. With such a high level of popularity, it’s probably no surprise that coffee consumption statistics abound! In this article, I’ll share 43 of the most interesting coffee statistics I’ve found in 2024.

43 Interesting Coffee Statistics

There are tons of coffee drinking stats available, and I’ve broken down some of the most interesting ones into different categories.

Coffee Consumption Statistics

1.73% of Americans drink coffee every day. Given the current population of around 332,000,000, that means that 220,000,000 people in the U.S. drink coffee daily. (Drive Research)

2. About a third of all coffee drinkers are considered “heavy coffee drinkers” that consume 3 to 5 cups a day. (Drive Research)

3. Throughout the world, 2.25 BILLION cups of coffee are consumed every single day. (Drive Research)

4. American coffee drinkers consume an average of 3.1 cups of coffee per day. (E-importz)

5. Finland drinks the most coffee, with the average number of daily cups per coffee drinker sitting just under 10! That’s followed by Sweden (8), Switzerland (7), Germany (6.5), France (5.5), and Italy (5.5). (E-importz)

6. Americans drink $4 BILLION worth of imported coffee every year. (E-importz)

7. Coffee drinkers in the U.S. consume around 400 million cups of coffee every day, making it one of the most coffee-obsessed countries in the world. (E-importz)

8. The average U.S. coffee drinker consumes the equivalent of 9.26 pounds of coffee every year. (World Atlas)

9. Coffee drinkers in Sweden have the highest daily consumption of caffeine, with an average of around 388 mg per day per person. For comparison, the average in the U.S. is about half that, at 200 mg per day per person. (Caffeine Informer)

10. The U.S. as a whole consumes a staggering 3.5 BILLION pounds of coffee annually. (Statista)

Coffee Shop Statistics

11. Starbucks is the favorite coffee chain in the U.S., with 48% of all Americans noting that they prefer it over any other option. Perhaps America no longer runs on Dunkin… (Drive Research)

12. About 66% of coffee drinkers make coffee at home every day. Only 4% note that they NEVER make coffee at home and always get it on the go. (Drive Research)

13. Non-chain, local coffee shops bring in over $12 BILLION nationwide every year. (E-importz)

14. There are around 24,000 non-chain and chain coffee shops in America. That’s an average of nearly 500 coffee shops per state. (E-importz)

15. Coffee shops are expected to double in numbers in the next five years, meaning there will be close to an average of 1,000 coffee shops per state. (E-importz)

16. Seattle, WA, is the city with the highest concentration of coffee shops per capita, with around 15 for every 100,000 residents. That’s followed by Manahattan and San Francisco, which each have around 9 coffee shops for every 100,000 residents. (E-importz)

17. In the U.S. as a whole, there are around 1.8 coffee shops for every 100,000 people. (E-importz)

18. Half of all Americans that get coffee from a cafe or coffee shop use the drive-thru line to get it. (National Coffee Association)

19. Around two-thirds of all Americans get coffee from a major coffee chain like Starbucks or Dunkin at least once a month. (Beverage Daily)

Coffee Beverage and Brewing Statistics

20. Around 30% of Americans report that their preferred brewing method is using a Keurig machine. Another 29% say they use a drip machine. (Drive Research)

21. 82% of coffee drinkers don’t drink their coffee black. (Drive Research)

22. Male coffee drinkers are more than 2x more likely to drink their coffee black, with 31% saying they do, while only 13% of female coffee drinkers do. (Drive Research)

23. About half (49%) of all coffee drinkers prefer medium roast coffee. That’s followed by dark roast (28%), light roast (12%), and no preference (11%). (Drive Research)

24. Nearly a third of all coffee drinkers (29%) regularly drink decaf coffee. (Drive Research)

25. Only about 8% of coffee drinkers buy and drink specialty coffee regularly. (E-importz)

26. Half of all Americans turn to espresso or espresso-based drinks every day rather than drip coffee. (E-importz)

27. The average coffee cup size in the U.S. is 9 ounces. (E-importz)

28. Only around 12% of people in the U.S. make coffee at home using an espresso machine. (Statista)

29. Drip coffee makers are on the decline, and single-serve coffee makers are on the up and up. In the last decade, the number of people using a drip machine at home has declined by around 25%, and the number using a single-serve machine at home has gone up 50%. (National Coffee Association)

30. In terms of espresso-based drinks, cappuccinos and lattes are tied for being the most popular, with about a third of Americans having had at least one in the past year. (WorkWise)

Coffee Spending Habits Statistics

31. Half of all coffee drinkers don’t make coffee at home at least once a week. (Drive Research)

32. The average cost of an espresso-based drink in the U.S. is $3.45. This is more than a dollar more than drip coffee, which averages $2.38 per cup. (E-importz)

33. Just over half (53%) of all Americans report putting time, money, and effort into finding sustainably-sourced coffee with minimal negative environmental impact. (National Coffee Association)

34. Female coffee drinkers in the U.S. spend an average of $2,327 annually on coffee from coffee shops, which is well over what males spend per year: $1,934. (Early Bird)

35. Coffee drinkers between the ages of 25 and 34 spend the most on coffee per year from coffee shops: an average of $2,008. That number steadily declines until you reach people that are 65 or older, who spend just $7 per year, on average, at coffee shops. (Early Bird)

Coffee Health and Habits Statistics

36. About half of all coffee drinkers believe that consuming coffee daily is good for them. (Drive Research)

37. 83% of Americans report that they drink coffee for the taste. Since caffeine is an addictive substance, we absolutely don’t believe that’s true. (Drive Research)

38. 65% of all coffee is enjoyed in the morning before or with breakfast. (E-importz)

39. Young coffee drinkers are more likely to drink coffee at night, with around 70% reporting at least one cup in the evening. (Beverages Town)

40. Only 4% of Americans use non-dairy milk and creamers in their coffee, although this number is growing every year. (National Coffee Association)

41. Only around 26% of Americans report drinking coffee for the energy and wakefulness it provides. (Early Bird)

42. People who work in wholesale and resale jobs drink the most coffee, with an average of 3.5 cups per person per day. That’s about tied with people in hotels, food service, and hospitality and followed by manufacturing (3.4), construction (3.3), IT services (3.1), finance, transportation, and stay-at-home parents (3 cups per day each). (Early Bird)

43. 17.5% of Americans report not being productive at all until they get their coffee. (Early Bird)

The Bottom Line: People LOVE Coffee

Yep, these coffee consumption stats are pretty wild, but it’s not so surprising to hear that the average American drinks over 3 cups of coffee per day…it is, after all, the third most popular beverage in the world.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many cups of coffee does the average American drink per day?

The typical coffee drinker in America drinks an average of 3.1 cups of coffee per day. As a whole, Americans consume about 400 million cups of coffee daily. About a third of Americans are considered heavy coffee drinkers, consuming 4 to 5 cups per day. Drip coffee is the most common go-to coffee drink for Americans.

What country drinks the most coffee per person?

Finland drinks the most coffee per person, with the average Finnish coffee drinker consuming just under 10 cups per day. This is more than triple what the average American coffee drinker consumes (3.1 cups). Sweden comes in second at around 8 cups per person daily. The United States ranks much lower, but it’s still in the top 10 most coffee-obsessed countries in the world.

Where are coffee shops most concentrated in the United States?

The city with the highest concentration of coffee shops in the U.S. is Seattle, with around 15 coffee shops for every 100,000 residents. This is followed by Manhattan and San Francisco, which each have approximately 9 coffee shops per 100,000 people. The national average is 1.8 coffee shops for every 100,000 Americans.

How much do Americans spend on coffee per year?

American coffee drinkers spend an estimated $4 billion per year on imported coffee alone. The average American spends around $2,100 annually on coffee from coffee shops. Females spend more on average ($2,327) than males ($1,934). People aged 25 to 34 spend the most on coffee shop purchases annually, around $2,008 per person.