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What Grind Size Should You Use In a Keurig Machine?


By: Dan

Updated on: 2/16/2024

What Grind Size Should You Use In a Keurig Machine?

Many people rely on Keurig machines solely for convenience, and, if I’m being honest, you can’t really beat it for expediency and low effort. However, the coffee that comes out often lacks flavor and body, and one way to fix that is to grind your coffee fresh into a reusable K-cup filter rather than rely on pre-ground coffee in plastic K-cups. But…what grind size is best for Keurig machines?

The ideal grind size for Keurig machines is around 600 microns, and the typical range for Keurig grind size is between 400 and 800 microns. In this article, I’ll explain why the grind size for Keurig machines is smaller than what you’d use in other drip machines. I’ll also explain how to adjust your grind size to suit your taste when grinding for Keurig machines.

Best Grind Size for Keurig Machines in Microns

The ideal grind size for getting the most flavor out of your coffee when using a Keurig machine is usually between 400 and 800 microns, with a sweet spot around 600 microns.

This is finer than you would use for a standard drip coffee maker, and there are a few reasons why a finer grind works better for Keurig machines specifically, which I’ll discuss in the following sections.

Low Brew Temperatures

Keurig brewers rarely reach the ideal 195°F - 205°F temperature range that allows for optimal coffee extraction—in fact, these machines rarely top 180 degrees (F). Lower brewing temperatures mean the hot water has less energy to extract flavors and soluble compounds from the coffee grounds, which yields a flavorless and overly acidic cup of coffee.

Using a finer coffee grind can help compensate for the low brew temperatures in a Keurig machine. The increased surface area of a fine grind allows for faster extraction, pulling more solubles from the coffee even in the cooler water.

This results in a cup with more flavor and sweetness that you’d typically get from a Keurig machine.

Fast Brew Time

In addition to lower temperatures, Keurig machines have a very fast brew time, often less than a minute. While the speed is convenient, it limits the extraction from the coffee grounds, especially since the water used for extraction is cooler than it ideally should be.

Again, using a finer coffee grind can help maximize extraction in the short time the water is in contact with the grounds. The smaller grind size provides more surface area for the water to interact with the coffee, pulling out more solubles and flavor in that shortened brew window.

Poor Water Distribution

Keurig machines don’t shower water evenly over the coffee bed the way a high-quality drip brewer does. The single piercing needle can create channels where water flows through the grounds much faster than in the surrounding areas.

This leads to uneven saturation and extraction. A finer coffee grind slows down the flow rate through grounds, allowing for a more even saturation and extraction.

How to Dial In Your Keurig Grind Size

When you grind coffee beans finer, you increase the extraction of soluble compounds that lead to a fuller body and more sweetness and flavor in the brewed coffee. Going too fine with your grind can lead to some bitterness and astringency though.

Grinding more coarsely decreases extraction, which can highlight acidity and fruitiness in lighter roasted coffee. But going too coarse with the grind reduces sweetness and body, sometimes leading to a sour or empty-tasting cup.

If your Keurig coffee tastes flat or watery, try grinding finer to increase extraction. If it’s bitter or astringent, go a little coarser. For underdeveloped acidity, grind coarser. And for excessive acidity or sourness, grind finer. Make adjustments in 50-100 micron increments and re-taste.

It often takes some trial and error dialing in the ideal range for your specific coffee and Keurig machine. But once you find that sweet spot, you can expect much better flavor from your K-cups.

Tips for Grinding for Keurig

Here are some quick tips for grinding coffee to use in your Keurig:

  • Use a quality burr grinder, not blade grinder, for uniform grind size
  • Start around 600 microns and adjust from there
  • Grind beans fresh right before brewing
  • Weigh grounds instead of using scoops for consistency
  • Adjust only 25-50 microns at a time, if you can
  • Clean your grinder regularly for consistency

Wrapping Up: Finding Your Perfect Keurig Grind Size

Getting the grind size for Keurig brewing dialed in is one of the best ways to dramatically improve the flavor of coffee from your single-serve coffee maker. Start around 600 microns and then adjust up or down based on the flavors you’re experiencing and the guidelines above.

A finer grind helps increase extraction to compensate for low temperatures and short brew times in Keurigs. Adjusting 50-100 microns at a time, you can hone in on the ideal grind for highlighting the best qualities in your coffee. Freshly grinding your own beans and using reusable K-cups takes Keurig coffee to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Keurig coffee need a finer grind size than other brew methods?

Keurig machines have some limitations like low brewing temperatures and short brew times that make it difficult to extract flavor optimally. Using a finer coffee grind—around 600 microns—increases extraction by providing more surface area for the water to interact with the grounds. This boosts sweetness and flavor extraction even with the cooler water and fast brewing.

What grind size should I start with for my Keurig brewer?

A good starting point for Keurig grind size is around 600 microns. You can adjust up or down based on how your coffee tastes and your personal preference, but most Keurig machines will do best with grounds that are between 400 and 800 microns. Going finer will increase body and sweetness while going more coarse accentuates acidity and reduces bitterness.

If my Keurig coffee tastes bitter, what adjustment should I make?

Bitter, overextracted coffee is a sign you need to grind more coarsely for your Keurig. Try increasing the grind size by 25-50 microns and taste it again. The coarser grind will decrease extraction, reducing bitterness and astringency from certain compounds that break down and create bitterness the longer they’re exposed to hot water. Continue adjusting coarser until an optimal sweetness and smooth flavor is achieved.

How can I grind coffee to the right size for my Keurig Brewer?

Investing in a high quality burr grinder that allows fine grind size adjustments is key. Measure your grind size with a sieve rather than relying on grinder settings. Weighing the coffee grounds is also more consistent than using scoops. Grind beans fresh before each use for optimum flavor, and aim for around 600 microns to start. Adjust up or down based on your preferences.