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What Is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and What’s So Special About It?


By: Dan

Updated on: 3/8/2024

What Is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and What’s So Special About It?

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, sometimes called Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee, has become one of the most expensive and sought-after types of coffee, often fetching close to $100 per pound. In this article, I’ll explain what Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is, where it comes from, what it tastes like, and why it’s so popular and expensive.

What Is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee?

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee refers to the coffee that is grown in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica. This region is known for producing some of the most delicious and highest quality coffee in the world.

The coffee plants are grown at elevations between 3,000 and 5,500 feet above sea level, which contributes to the unique flavor profile of Blue Mountain coffee. The coffee is grown on steep terraced hillsides in mineral-rich red soil, and the climate and growing conditions in the Blue Mountains are perfect for producing an exceptional coffee.

Only coffee grown in this strictly defined region can be labeled as authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. The coffee plants grown here are almost exclusively the Typica coffee variety, which is known for producing a smooth, mild, and well-balanced coffee.

The coffee cherries are hand-picked and then processed using the “washed” method that helps bring out the coffee’s inherent flavors. This careful growing and processing helps make Jamaican Blue Mountain one of the most prized coffees in the world.

A Brief History of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

Coffee was first introduced to Jamaica in 1728 by Governor Sir Nicholas Lawes, who brought coffee seedlings from Martinique. Coffee cultivation slowly began to spread across the island, though it was initially used primarily for domestic consumption. In the late 1700s, Jamaica began exporting small amounts of coffee off the island.

By the 1800s, Jamaica’s coffee production was centered around the Blue Mountain region, where the elevation, climate, and soil were ideal for growing exceptional coffee. In 1820, coffee became Jamaica’s largest export, surpassing sugar. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee gained international acclaim when it was served at the Paris Exposition in 1867 and won multiple awards.

The worldwide reputation of Jamaica’s Blue Mountain coffee continued to grow throughout the 20th century. In the 1950s, the Jamaican government invested resources to increase quality standards and regulation for Blue Mountain coffee, which further enhanced its prestige.

Today, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is one of the most well-known and iconic specialty coffees in the world. Only a limited amount is produced each year, making it highly coveted by coffee aficionados.

Why Is Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee So Special and Expensive?

Alongside Hawaiian coffee, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is some of the rarest coffee in the world. It’s also one of most sought-after and expensive varieties in the world. There are several key reasons why Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is so extraordinarily special and expensive:

  • Limited Supply: Only coffee grown in the strictly defined Blue Mountain region can be certified as authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain. The region’s rugged terrain and small size means production is inherently limited. On average, Jamaica produces less than 200,000 pounds of Blue Mountain coffee annually.
  • Perfect Growing Conditions: The mineral-rich soil, elevation, cool climate, and ample rainfall of the Blue Mountain region combine to create ideal growing conditions that allow the coffee cherries to develop slowly and fully. This enhances the depth and complexity of flavors.
  • Processing Method: Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is always processed using the labor-intensive washed method, where the fresh coffee cherries are individually handpicked and then pulped and fermented in water before drying. This brings out the coffee’s clean, balanced taste.
  • High Demand: As one of the most renowned coffees globally, Jamaican Blue Mountain has extremely high demand that outstrips supply. Affluent coffee lovers and specialty cafes are willing to pay top dollar for the prestige and taste.
  • Careful Regulation: Jamaica has strict regulations protecting the Jamaican Blue Mountain designation. All certified coffee must be approved by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica, ensuring quality and authenticity. This further enhances the value.

In short, the reputation, scarcity, growing conditions, and processing all contribute to Jamaican Blue Mountain being extraordinarily prized and expensive, often over $50 per pound and up to $100 per pound or more for the very best crops.

What Does Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Taste Like?

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is coveted for its exquisitely balanced and complex-yet-mild flavor profile. Many coffee experts consider it one of the most refined and enjoyable coffees in the world.

The coffee has a medium-bodied mouthfeel and silky texture. It is noted for its sweet, mellow taste that has hints of chocolate, nuts, molasses, and spice. There is very little bitterness, which allows the coffee’s layered flavors to emerge beautifully.

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee also has a pronounced aroma that emphasizes its nuanced flavor notes. You can often detect fragrances of brown sugar, orange blossom, tropical fruits, and honey in the aroma. This adds to the coffee’s sensory experience.

The refined acidity and mild profile of Jamaican Blue Mountain is what makes it stand out. The flavor is never overpowering but rather delicate, refined, and multilayered. Sipping a cup of authentic Blue Mountain coffee is an experience every coffee enthusiast should have at least once.

Where Can You Buy Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee?

Authentic certified Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee can be purchased directly from one of the coffee estates in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains. Going directly to the source is the best way to ensure freshness and quality. Some estates allow online orders to be shipped worldwide.

There are also many online specialty coffee retailers that sell Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. However, buyers need to be cautious about fakes, as the prestige of the Blue Mountain name means lower quality coffee is sometimes fraudulently sold under its name. Sites like Amazon offer several verified options, though freshness may be less guaranteed.

Of course, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is also served at high-end cafes and coffeehouses around the world. In the Blue Mountains themselves, visitors can tour estates like Mavis Bank to taste the coffee straight at its source.

So for lovers of exquisite coffee, Jamaican Blue Mountain is a truly exceptional experience that’s worth seeking out, even with its hefty price tag. The complexity of flavors and silky mouthfeel create a cup of coffee that’s like no other.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee better than other types of coffee?

While personal taste plays a role, Jamaican Blue Mountain is considered one of the best coffees in the world due to its complex yet mild flavor, strict growing regulations, and meticulous processing. The terroir and climate of the Blue Mountains make the coffee special. However, other coffees like Hawaiian Kona and Tanzanian Peaberry are also exceptionally high quality. In the end, Jamaican Blue Mountain stands out as uniquely refined and balanced.

Is Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee worth the high price?

For true coffee aficionados, the experience of sipping a cup of authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is worth the splurge occasionally. The flavor profile is exquisite, with lovely mild acidity and sweet, chocolatey notes. However, day to day drinkers may not discern enough taste difference to justify the very high cost per pound, especially without the equipment and experience to grind and brew it properly. For a special occasion or as an indulgence, the purity and complexity of Jamaican Blue Mountain is a treat. But it’s not necessarily worth the price for ordinary daily consumption.

What’s the difference between Jamaican Blue Mountain and regular coffee?

Everything from the growing conditions to processing results in Jamaican Blue Mountain having a more refined, balanced taste than regular coffee. Restricted supply and high demand also drive up the price. The mineral-rich soil, elevation, climate, and hand harvesting create an exceptionally flavorful bean. Careful washing and preparation ensures the bean’s inherent qualities shine. Regular coffee is more mass produced and doesn’t have the same terroir. While still enjoyable, regular coffee lacks the complexity and mild profile that make Jamaican Blue Mountain so prized.